Thursday, APRIL 27, 2023 | 6PM PDT / 8PM CDT / 9PM EDT


A power hour to make connections, gain clarity and confidence, and leave with action steps on how to POWER UP your life and business.

Do you feel

stuck or unfulfilled?

like you're in the wrong place but don't know how to change lanes?

like you can't get out of your own way or don't know where to start?

like you're lacking a group of like-minded women that you can share ideas and referrals with?

little to no confidence in yourself?

If you said YES to any of the above, this is THE networking and personal development event for you.

Don’t miss out!


Alessia Citro is a “corporate dropout” who left a successful career in tech sales to become an entrepreneur and certified coach.

After shuttering two online businesses that were no longer in alignment, she is starting over as an interior designer with a focus on habits and behavioral science. 

Her mission is to help busy women step into the highest version of themselves via a supportive, harmonious and inspiring home environment that allows higher self habits to take hold.

Alessia will be sharing her tips for making massive pivots, starting over, and how to get clarity on your natural gifts and calling.


Liz Garcia is a blossoming entrepreneur in the Midwest who got her start in network marketing 11 years ago, where she found a passion for helping women boost their inner confidence with self-love.

In February 2022, 6 months after having her second child, Liz found herself in a mental/physical post-partum rut where she started diving into the personal development space by binging podcasts on her commute to work.

Podcasts were the inspiration to light a fire under her butt and start taking action – in April 2022, she completed a 4 week podcast course then launched the ‘Light Your Fire!’ podcast two weeks after. She has since hit over 5,000 downloads and will soon be releasing her 50th episode.

Liz aspires to be a full-time entrepreneur, author, keynote speaker, and community builder. Her mission is to positively inspire and impact busy women to chase after their dreams by taking consistent, messy action every day. Liz’s favorite personal quote: “Messy consistency > inconsistent perfection.”

Liz will share the simple, tactical tips and habits from her daily routine that have helped transform her into a healthier, more confident version of herself, while still being present at home with her husband and kids.


Kathi Reuter started her entrepreneurial journey in 2014, and built a 6-figure producing network marketing business within 11 months while raising two small children. 

Since then, she has helped thousands of people achieve their health, fitness, and business goals. 

In 2022 she started the Do Life Big Podcast and created the Mindset Accelerator Program, which is designed to help people identify the hidden limiting beliefs that hold them back, flip them into self-serving beliefs, and then ingrain these as self-serving positive beliefs so they can finally achieve the success they want in their business and in life. 

Kathi will be sharing actionable steps to conquer limiting beliefs.


APRIL 27, 2023 | 6PM PDT / 8PM CDT / 9PM EDT



What can you expect?


A full hour of networking and learning with like-minded women.


10 minute presentations from each host on their respective topic. We're visual learners, and if you are too… we got you! 😉


A “directory” of attendees for you to reference after the event to make connecting with your new friends easier!


A Facebook group for you to continue the conversation and grow connections with other attendees and the hosts.


Did we mention there's a little something extra?

enter to win

In addition to the connections you'll make and what you'll learn, you can also win a $25 Amazon gift card! Two winners will be announced post-event.

Receive one entry for every Instagram post or story about the event.

Just use hashtag #poweruplive2023 and tag or mention @lizgarcia.lightyourfire.